Monday, August 17, 2009

We're Home

Thanks so much to everyone for your prayers! We arrived home safe and sound today. We landed in Washington DC around 9am this morning and we were welcomed back at LCR this afternoon. Thanks so much to everyone who put together the lovely luncheon for us. The food was great! We had an uneventful trip home, or as uneventful as 19 hours on a plane can be. We were all exhausted and very happy to see a Starbucks in the airport.

I will do my best over the next few days to get up some better updates and stories from our trip. I will also add pictures for all of you. The one at the top of this post is of mount Kilimanjaro, as we flew over it yesterday on our way out of Tanzania.

Thanks for your prayers as we traveled! They were felt and appreciated!



1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to the stories being told as you have time and energy. Blessings as you re-enter. It is not an easy process, being here, longing to be there.
    May you find a great release in telling the stories of His faithfulness.
